aboriginal city – Mack & Cheese http://www.mackandcheese.ca Talking about Edmonton Wed, 17 Jun 2015 21:05:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.4.2 Talking about Edmonton Mack & Graham clean Mack & Graham mack@paramagnus.com mack@paramagnus.com (Mack & Graham) Talking about Edmonton Mack & Cheeseaboriginal city – Mack & Cheese http://mackandcheese.s3.amazonaws.com/macitunes.jpg http://www.mackandcheese.ca Episode 58: Oilers clean house, Notley wins the debate, Council lowers tax increase, The Walrus Talks Aboriginal City http://www.mackandcheese.ca/2015/04/30/episode-58-oilers-clean-house-notley-wins-the-debate-council-lowers-tax-increase-the-walrus-talks-aboriginal-city/ http://www.mackandcheese.ca/2015/04/30/episode-58-oilers-clean-house-notley-wins-the-debate-council-lowers-tax-increase-the-walrus-talks-aboriginal-city/#respond Thu, 30 Apr 2015 23:00:21 +0000 http://www.mackandcheese.ca/?p=262 In our fifty-eighth episode, we discuss the major changes underway at the Edmonton Oilers, the Alberta leaders debate and other election news, the lower tax hike that Council has approved, and the Aboriginal City event hosted by The Walrus.

All of a sudden Oilers fans have reason to be excited again! With a new GM and Connor McDavid, things are looking up. Will we get a new coach? Do we really have reason to be excited? With the polls predicting an NDP victory, what are our predictions for the election? Who will form government and who will serve as the official opposition? How was Council able to lower the tax increase for 2015? What will they spend the extra money on? What were the takeaways from the Aboriginal City event?

We discuss those questions and more! We close with a short update on placemaking.

Here are some relevant links for this episode:

Thanks for listening!

http://www.mackandcheese.ca/2015/04/30/episode-58-oilers-clean-house-notley-wins-the-debate-council-lowers-tax-increase-the-walrus-talks-aboriginal-city/feed/ 0 In our fifty-eighth episode, we discuss the major changes underway at the Edmonton Oilers, the Alberta leaders debate and other election news, the lower tax hike that Council has approved, and the Aboriginal City event hosted by The Walrus. - In our fifty-eighth episode, we discuss the major changes underway at the Edmonton Oilers, the Alberta leaders debate and other election news, the lower tax hike that Council has approved, and the Aboriginal City event hosted by The Walrus. All of a sudden Oilers fans have reason to be excited again! With a new GM and Connor McDavid, things are looking up. Will we get a new coach? Do we really have reason to be excited? With the polls predicting an NDP victory, what are our predictions for the election? Who will form government and who will serve as the official opposition? How was Council able to lower the tax increase for 2015? What will they spend the extra money on? What were the takeaways from the Aboriginal City event? We discuss those questions and more! We close with a short update on placemaking. Here are some relevant links for this episode: Oilers hire Chiarelli as president, general manager Alberta leaders debate: Poll suggests NDP's Rachel Notley won #abvote Dashboard Council passes lower tax hike Recap: The Walrus Talks Aboriginal City in Edmonton Space for Place: Placemaking in Edmonton Thanks for listening! Mack & Graham clean 23:20